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Thursday, May 01, 2008


May is National Military Appreciation Month (this is the 10th year) (California is reviewing whether to recognize Silver Star Banner)


We are pleased to announce that to date 44 states and 89 cities across the country are joining in to declare Silver Star Day. Many cities and states have made Silver Star Day a "permanent" day to honor Wounded. Five state s have recognized the Silver Star Service Banner as their Official symbol for the wounded and ill.

The Silver Star Families of America's mission is to remember, honor and assist the wounded in any way we can. We primarily do this by issuing thousands of Silver Star Banners and Certificates to the wounded or their families. When someone sees a Banner in a window or a Flag flying, we want them to remember the sacrifices made for this country. Many of our members have wounded children or have been wounded themselves . They are dedicated to this cause and they are dedicated to the wounded.

Please join us by honoring a wounded Hero with a Silver Star Banner, visit a V.A. Medical center; a veteran’s home; a military hospital, drive with your lights on where permitted; say a prayer; requests Banners at: or Sponsor a Silver Star Banner for a wounded Soldier .

If nothing else at 5:00 PM central, stop and REMEMBER. Remember those that have shed blood and given up so much for you and I. Remember those who have been affected by the horrors of war.

It is all about our wounded kids and the more we reach - -the more we can help and honor . This has been an all-out team effort. We are also asking all veteran organizations to join with the Silver Star Families of America to say thank you to our wounded. The SSFOA honor and respect all who support our military.Please let us know how you support our Wounded Heroes on May 1st Silver Star Day and throughout the entire military appreciation month of May.

Steve Newton, Founder

Silver Star Families of Ameri ca, 525 Cave Hollow RD, Clever, MO 65631 -6313

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. My dh is in the USMC. Was AD, now reserve. Thanks for reminding us! -Samantha